After Being on the Brink of Extinction on Terra, NFT Project Poppin Puffins to Rise from the Ashes on Algorand

Jennifer Keene
Citrust Tea
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2022


In case you missed it, the collapse of the Terra blockchain was kind of a big deal, causing an estimated $42 billion in losses for $UST and $LUNA holders.

The meltdown also created so-called NFT refugees, projects built on that blockchain, now left without a home for their art or communities.

“There’s never been anything like what happened last week. A top tier coin going to zero in a few days and liquidating the dreams and hopes of thousands of regular people…It felt like a dream, a metaverse nuclear war.” — LilAuk of Poppin Puffins in a recent interview with KryptoNurd

The Algorand ecosystem and the #AlgoFam are historically very friendly towards bird themed projects will undoubtedly help the Puffins embrace their inner phoenix.

Here are 5 reasons why:

  • #1: Poppin Puffins shares Algorand’s commitment to the environment and conservation.
  • #2: Working with Rand Gallery to make whole anyone who follows them to Algorand, giving them the same Puffins they held before, by matching up wallets.
  • #3: Expect new and special traits for the Algorand community, including a symbolic phoenix version, signature elements for the new collection, and maybe even a Nurd themed Puffin.
  • #4: Interest in staking utility and other use cases and collaborations.
  • #5: Puffins are NOT penguins, and are in fact cooler than penguins, being both from Iceland and able to fly.

Give @PoppinPuffins a follow on Twitter and watch for other great projects migrating to Algorand.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Jennifer Keene
Citrust Tea

I write short fun pieces that people actually have time to read.